Sunday, December 6, 2009

Defran in depth

I finally read the post and listened to the audio of Defran's RR being fired comments.

When I first read the portion of the transcript mentioning the firing, I thought it appeared he must have something there, and really does have sources. Then, when I listened to the entire 'rant' my opinion changed completely.

Defran really is dumb. His arguments are weak, based on non-fact, he stretches the truth and the relationship between things to prove an argument. Simply, he is dumb. And his comments about the firing came in the middle of the ran and just came and went without any fanfare. For a prepared statement, the most important thing he mentioned was buried. Showing he is a bad writer, too.

I, now, 100% don't buy it. (i was at 60% not buying previously).

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