Sunday, October 17, 2010

Now What?

Before the Iowa game, I figured we'd be able to use the results of that game to be a good guide as to what to expect the rest of the year.  A blow out, like the MSU game, and I'd be HOPING M would make it to a bowl game.  A close game (even a close loss, as I predicted), and I'd have the confidence M could play with anyone and we could hope for 2-3 more wins.

But, after Saturday's game, I am as confused as ever.  M was this close (imagine my fingers in the US Paratrooper 30 second position) to being blown out, but somehow escaped it, giving their fans some hope, then last by a number that is somewhere between a blowout and a close game.  Maybe if M was with Iowa throughout, the 10 points would seem closer, but falling behind by 3 scores makes a final 10 point difference a (somewhat) long way.

So, now what? Will M come back and play teams that aren't as good as Iowa and MSU better than they've played Iowa and MSU and pull out wins?  Or are they going to play teams that are better than UMass and Indiana the way they played against UMass and Indiana and end up losing?

Really.  Now what?

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