Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I was worried that after the 2nd replay of the explosion that the whole episode was going to be multiple "versions" of the outcome. I was glad there was no third replay.
I liked the cameos (Boone, Desmond, Arzt etc.) but get the feeling that this might be the only final season appearance for most of them.
It seems the Sayid is the new Jacob to counteract Locke is the new Man in Black seems a little too easy. Hopefully it is a little more than that.
I think it is obvious that everyone is better off on the island (well maybe not the people who died...) their lives in LA do not seem to be too exciting.
It will be interesting to see how much time is spent on their LA lives. Or if it will quickly get to them into realizing they need to fly back.
You need to get a lap top or a tv in near your computer so we can start Lost Liveblogging...

1 comment:

  1. I'm assuming that the alternate Losties and the 'current' island Losties will somehow merge (or just end up in the same place at the same time) at the end, just to show that that was their destiny.
