Tuesday, August 11, 2009


The reason the Feagin story is so big is that the story is so ugly. And because it is Michigan. It is possible this is the worst thing that will happen in RR's (6) years at Michigan. If that is the case, and there isn't much more that happens, then everything is fine. I expect this incident to be the worst. And if I am wrong, RR will likely be gone shortly after the one that tops it. And he should be. Even if he wins the Nat Champ.

I don't expect either of those things to happen.

I agree the team is heading in the right direction. The program (in a cheating way) is probably the same as last year, but it is certainly heading downward compared to Lloyd. I'm willing to give him some time to improve that (as well as the football). Talk to me in January and see if I feel the same way.

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